Week 13: 3/1-3/2

Hi Mogul Family,

What a whirlwind of a weekend! Congrats to all the athletes for some amazing runs this weekend.  Stratton was a huge success with great singles Moguls days and an amazing Dual Moguls day where many athletes won a few heats. Then our A team ripped it up at Crotched in Moguls and Dual Moguls where we secured a ton of points for Junior Nationals.  Finally, on Sunday, we held the Devo Dual Mogul day back at Mount Snow where 200+ Devo athletes made their way down our course in a Duals format.  There is no time to slow down as we are gearing up to host Central States this weekend.

Registration Success!  Thank you all for being ready for the States invitations to be released.  We are still crossing our fingers that Lizzie and Squirrel make it in from the Alternate List.

Training this weekend:  I've confirmed that we will have training for the B skiers who did not get into States.  Paul Laff will be leading the team of A and B athletes who are not competing this weekend.  PLaff will meet the group at the normal spot and time.

What about Young Guns and B Junior Champs at Killington?  The B Eastern Championships at Killington (3/21 - 3/23) are a bit different than the State Champs.  The field is split into 2 groups; Young Guns [U07-U-11] and Juniors [U13-U-17].  Due to this format, more athletes will get in - especially the younger athletes.  Even if your athlete did not get into States, there is a good chance they will get an invite to B Eastern Championships. If you have questions on how to find the B Points list, please let me know.

Where do athletes go this weekend?  Athletes should check in between 7:30 and 7:45 to pick up their bibs and then meet Mikey and Corey at the normal spot at 8:00 to stretch as a team and get on one of the first chairs.  Athletes will keep their bibs for Sunday.

Assistance for States this weekend:  We are looking for 4-5 volunteers for registration for States as well as 4 on-hill volunteers to help with course prep and other tasks. Please let Nancy Logan and me know if you can help out.

Thank you all for your support.  We only have a few weeks left - but the excitement is just starting!

My Best,


Scott D. Lafferty

Mount Snow Training Center, Head Coach Mogul Team




Week 14: 3/8-3/9


Week 12: 2/22-2/23