Week 14: 3/8-3/9
Hi Mogul Family,
Thank you to everyone who chipped in to make the Central State Champs such a huge success! We are now getting down to the wire with 3 weekends left.
Photos from States: There were a few people taking photos at our meet:
Parent who posted photos to two Google Drives
Photographer and friend of the team who has images on his site: https://lehrmtnphoto.com/store/ols/products?page=1
The Upcoming Schedule: We have a few crazy weeks ahead. We will have coverage at Mount Snow each weekend. Here is a summary of where coaches will be over the next 3 weeks:
This Weekend: March 8 & 9: Mikey will be at Sunday River for the weekend, PLaff will be at Mount Snow on Saturday, Corey will be at Mount Snow both days, Laff will be at Sunday River on Saturday and at Mount Snow on Sunday.
Next weekend: March 15 & 16: We should have a gathering and do our team awards since everyone will be at Mount Snow.
March 17 - 21: Mikey, PLaff, and Laff will be at Jr Nationals at Park City. Laff is coming home on the redeye Friday night and will be at Mount Snow on Saturday.
Program's Last Weekend: March 21, 22 & 23: We have Eastern Championships at Killington and Corey will be there Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Laff will be at Mount Snow Saturday, but we have a delayed start. We'll go out at 1. Laff will have the team for a full day on Sunday, March 23.
Congrats to our Jr National Athletes: Congratulations to Collin, Winter, Lexi, Jack, and Owen for qualifying for Jr Nationals! This is a huge accomplishment! They will be heading out to Park City to compete against the country's top athletes.
Congrats to our Eastern Championship Athletes: Congratulations to Kiva, Griffin, Squirrel, Allie, and Daniel for qualifying for Eastern Championships at Killington to compete against the top East Coast skiers.
Summer Camps Anyone?: I think one of the best things we can do to crank up our skills is to plan to attend a ramp camp this summer - hopefully as a team. I'm a fan of the Freestyle America Camps out of Waterville. Also, I've heard Stratton is putting in a ramp with a slanted airbag. Here is the website for Freestyle America: https://freestyleamerica.com/. We'll send out info for Stratton once info is posted.
There's three more weeks on the crazy train. Let's keep the momentum going!
My Best,
Scott D. Lafferty
Mount Snow Training Center, Head Coach Mogul Team