Week 12: 2/22-2/23

Hi Mogul Family,

A blizzard, some fireworks, and an amazing tailgate - Willard does it all!  

What's the Deal with States?  Invitations for the Central Region State Championships will be posted on Monday, February 24 at 6:00 pm.  Once invitations are posted, you will have 24 hours to register.  Invitations will be posted on this page: https://services.easternfreestyle.org/invitations/eqsreg/EQS_REG.php.  

Help for States:  Again, we are looking for help at States next weekend.  Nancy will need 4-5 volunteers for registration and we will need some help on the hill to slip the course and prep landings between first and second runs.

The Weekend Plan:  We have a lot of moving parts this weekend.  Here is the plan:

  • Stratton Competition (Bs):  

    • Thursday Training: There is training tomorrow at Stratton, however, there are no coaches available tomorrow.  

    • Friday, Men's Moguls: Mike will be leading the charge on Friday at Stratton

    • Saturday, Women's Moguls:  Corey will be in the gate at Stratton for Saturday's competition

    • Saturday, training at Mount Snow Mike will be back at Mount Snow for normal training

    • Sunday, Dual Moguls: Mike and Corey will head to Stratton for Dual Moguls

    • Sunday, training at Mount Snow: Laff will be at Mount Snow on Sunday

  • Crotched Competition (A's)

    • Friday Training: It is still up in the air if Laff will be able to make it to Crotched for Friday

    • Saturday Comp: Laff is heading to Crotched for Moguls

    • Sunday: Laff will be back at Mount Snow for training

YouTube Live?  It would be awesome to get a live feed for States.  Does anyone have any experience with this?

Eastern B Championships at Killington:  Invitations to Eastern B Championships will be posted on Monday, March 10th.  Many athletes will be invited.  Here is the event sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1EFhSL8aMNJxyLPYQ1OczO1SGm-3gy2eyOLPQJtA7UxA/edit?gid=726060583#gid=726060583. Please let me know if you have questions regarding qualifications.

My Best,


Scott D. Lafferty

Mount Snow Training Center, Head Coach Mogul Team




Week 13: 3/1-3/2


Week 11: 2/15-2/16