Week 10: 2/8-2/9

Hi Mogul Family,


to all who competed in their first event at Huntah.  I've heard many awesome stories already. It sounds like it was an amazing experience for the athletes AND parents.  Big thanks to Mike and Corey for leading the team.

This weekend:  Our A skiers are at Stratton on Saturday and then some are competing in Dual Moguls on Sunday and others will be back at Mount Snow. For everyone at Mount Snow, our course is ready to rock and roll from top to bottom - so you know where you can find us this weekend.

Moving from Stack Team App to What's App: We are going to be moving from Stack Team App to What's App for quick communication.  For those who are not on the What's App Chat:

  1. Please download What's App from your App Store of choice

  2. A link to join the group will be sent out shortly

  3. If you are already in the What's App group, please add your name to your profile so we know who is communicating

Moguls - an Independent Sport with a Team Culture: Our sport is unique compared to other traditional sports where it is a truly independent sport - however there is an amazing team vibe.  I'm sure many athletes and parents recognized this over the weekend.  Now that we have a competition under our belts, we are going to be talking with the team about how to be a good competitor and teammate while competing against your teammates.  Here are 3 guiding rules that we will share:

  1. Enjoy what you do and be proud of who you do it with

  2. Be a positive teammate and encourage others to do their best

  3. Focus on the effort you need to put in to reach your own personal best while contributing to a positive team culture

Monday's Registration:  Next Monday, 2/3 at 6 PM is our final regular season registration craziness.  Registration will open for the 3-day Stratton B event.  Friday's event "M" is Men's Moguls, Saturday's event "M2" is Women's Moguls, and Sunday's Event "DM" is Men's and Women's Dual Moguls.  We will be going to all three days. Here is the link to the Event Sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kpVI93EGXsuGnk5q5Xg0mjQ2gjRk7TOLiCOYP82AuSw/edit?gid=1644341487#gid=1644341487

See you all in a few days,

My Best,


Scott D. Lafferty

Mount Snow Training Center, Head Coach Mogul Team




Week 11: 2/15-2/16


Week 9: 2/1-2/2