Week 2: 12/14-12/15
Hi Mogul Family,
What an amazing first weekend of training. I was definitely a little sore on Monday morning! Our dryland session was full of squats, burpees, planks, and jumps. We were able to spend a lot of time on jumping fundamentals, and I challenge you to ask your athlete to explain what a stacked position is and what the 4 phases of a jump is (Approach, Takeoff, Maneuver, Landing). Also, thank you for making it to the parent meeting – I know we went over a ton. The agenda is attached.
Helpful Links:
www.easternfreestyle.org - Eastern Freestyle Website, where you can see the event calendar and where you will register for events
The Eastern Freestyle Community Handbook – a great resource to quickly learn about competition Moguls
www.usskiandsnowboard.org/membership/new-member-registration - All athletes competing in USSA events must have a USSA Competitors Membership. Please reach out to me with any questions
https://www.ruttmogulpants.com/ - Rutt Mogul Pant Website
Jacket Order form: This will go out in a standalone email
Updated competition registration timeline: Eastern Freestyle just announced that they have extended the registration timing from the Monday 2 weeks prior to an event to the Monday 3 weeks prior to the event.
Eastern Freestyle A Athlete Information Parent Conference Call: There is an Eastern Freestyle informational call for new parents of A athletes on Thursday, Dec 19th. Here is the info.
Time: Dec 19, 2024, 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 875 7014 1335
Passcode: 244601
One tap mobile
+13052241968,,87570141335#,,,,*244601# US
+13092053325,,87570141335#,,,,*244601# US
Preliminary Competition Schedules: Note the this may adjust throughout the season. Also, B States will be added as soon as they find a host. I will send out another calendar shortly that includes the days that registration opens to keep everyone organized.
View the preliminary schedule here.
My Best,
Scott D. Lafferty
Mount Snow Training Center, Head Coach Mogul Team