Stack Team App

Hi MSTC Devo Parents,

Happy New Year!  Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season.  I know we have all been relaxing the past couple of days to recoup from the long holiday week, but are excited to get back at it tomorrow.

The MSTC Devo team has begun using a new youth sports communication tool and we are inviting parents/guardians to join.

Stack Team App is a free mobile app designed for youth sports to create an easy team communication platform.

Athletes are assigned to individual teams, associated with a coach, and then linked to guardians.  Teams have chat features allowing communication about events, attendance, or general questions.

The app also allows coaches to track attendance, have easy access to emergency contacts, and other critical athlete information simply using their mobile device.

Parents/Guardians currently on file for Devo athletes will be receiving a separate email invitation to join our team.  Additional parents/guardians or family members can also join, but will be reviewed prior to acceptance

We look forward to collaborating.

Think Snow.

~ Your MSTC Devo Coaching Team ~


Week 6 (MLK Weekend)


Week 3 (Holiday Week): 12/27-12/31